I love my spider plants. I currently have 2 planters full and I am working on rooting some babies to begin a third planter. Just need to keep my cat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer away from them.
Spider plant, Chlorophytum comosum, is one of the most common and well-known of all house plants. It is especially popular with beginners, being easy to grow and propagate, tolerant of neglect, and able to thrive in nearly any type of condition. It gets its common name from the small plantlets produced on long trailing stems that vaguely resemble spiders.
Thick, fleshy roots allow spider plant to tolerate inconsistent watering.
This clump-forming, perennial, herbaceous plant, native to coastal areas of South Africa, has narrow, strap-shaped leaves arising from a central point. The leaves may be solid green or variegated with lengthwise stripes of white or yellow. The leaves are not flat, but appear channeled or folded down the middle. Plants grows 12-15” tall. The thick, fleshy roots and rhizomes evolved to store water, allowing it to survive inconsistent watering.
Spider plant produces small white flowers.
Long, wiry stems up to 2 feet long are produced, sometimes with a few small leaves, especially in response to short days and long, uninterrupted nights for at least three weeks, although they may appear at any time of year indoors. Small white, star-shaped flowers are produced at the ends of the stems. After flowering, more leaves are produced at the end of the stems, forming small plantlets. If a flower is pollinated, a leathery, 3-angled capsule-type fruit is produced that contains flat black seeds.
Spider plant helps clean indoor air.
Studies have shown that spider plant is quite effective in cleaning indoor air by absorbing chemicals including formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and carbon monoxide in homes or offices.
Horticultural info courtesy of Wisconsin Master Gardener Program
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Wishing you a picture perfect day!
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