A few months ago I was lucky enough online to win a contest hosted by another blogger. The prize, a Quik Pod for DSLR cameras.  I was excited to be getting some free camera accessories.

What is a Quik Pod you ask?

According to the official website, the Quik Pod is the worlds first extendable handheld tripod and it allows you to take your own photos without the help of strangers.

My excitement “quikly” faded when I actually received my prize.  It is definitely lightweight and I was immediately concerned for the safety of my Canon Rebel EOS T1i.  And it’s not a tripod at all because it only has one leg.  Not three like a “tri” pod.

Closed up, the Quik Pod is about 18” in length and reaches 53” when fully extended.  The manufacturer claims it can be used as a monopod.  When I tried this with my DSLR on the Quik Pod fully extended it was wobbly and my photos were not as sharp as I would like.  The Quik Pod comes with interchangeable ends, one is a rubber ball and the other is a plastic flat end.  I preferred the rubber end as it prevented the Quik Pod from sliding on the ground when being used as a “monopod”.

My next test was to try it out for a self portrait.  It was said to have a built in mirror.  The mirror appears to be a thin piece of plastic with a reflective surface measuring 1/2” high by 3/4” wide.  This mirror reminded me of those found in public restrooms at the beach that are not really mirrors at all.  With my DSLR attached to the Quik Pod it was hard to keep it steady for a good self portrait even with the gel pad provided as a body brace.

Overall I was not impressed with the Quik Pod at all.  For the asking price of $49.95, it is not worth it.  I have a Canon monopod of my Camera Gear Wishlist for $33.50 and though I haven’t purchased it yet, I am confident that it will be a sturdier choice as a monopod for my Canon Rebel EOS T1i DSLR.