As I was going about my day, socializing on the web (what else is a SAHM supposed to do all day) with my fellow sisters, I heard the buzz about a kewl website called Prop Insanity.  Babies are so precious to photograph and adding some kewl handcrafted props is a must have.   And to make my day even better, there is a Give-a-Way for $40 worth of merchandise over at Prop Insanity.  Me heart Give-a-Ways!

So here are a few items I would heart to get (images courtesy of  Prop Insanity)

Charbridge Sack Hat - The Blues

Charbridge Sack Hat - The Blues

And this…

Bubble Girl ~ Snowflake Cap - Pink

Bubble Girl ~ Snowflake Cap - Pink

Gott get this one too..

Charbridge Co. Upsy Daisy ~Pink

Charbridge Co. Upsy Daisy ~Pink

And since I live in a town with many military families, this is a must have…

Charbridge Jester Hat - Flag

Charbridge Jester Hat - Flag

I can hardly wait to get my new camera and start taking pictures of some precious babies.

<center><a href=””><img src=””/></a></center>

So if you haven’t already entered the contest over at, then I suggest you do as it is an easy contest to enter.  But before you go, let me know which one of these beanies is your favorite.

[polldaddy poll=1696513]