I’m still alive! I know, I have been totally absent from my blog for the past few weeks. To be honest, blogging has not been a priority for me. In fact, lately it’s become a bit of a chore. Guess I just needed a break.
Let me update you on what’s been going on. The biggest news is that I got married. As of 10/10/10 I am Patricia Knight. Me and my long time Fiancé decided to tie the knot this month. Thought it was appropriate since we have been together for 10 years this month. Look for wedding photos to be posted later this week.
The other exciting news is that starting last Friday, I became a Freelance Photographer for one of my local newspapers, the Hi Desert Trail. This all came about because of Facebook. Yep, they posted on their wall that they were looking for a Freelance Photographer and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I will be mainly covering the high school sports scene in 29 Palms, special events and the occasional breaking news that I happen upon. It’s not like I didn’t already have enough to keep me busy. This is an opportunity for me to explore new challenges in my career as a Photographer.
Other than that, I’ve just been up to my usual. Motherhood. Homeschool Teacher. Business Owner. Etc, etc. I am hoping to get back into the swing of blogging. So keep your eyes open for some blogs posts this week.
Celebrate Life and Capture It!