I know that I have been MIA around my blog as of late. To be honest, I am finding it hard to balance my professional life as a Photographer and my personal life as a mother of two, wife, housekeeper, home school learning coach, etc. And now that the holidays are here, I have so many things on my plate.
I plan to take some time off during the next few weeks to enjoy the holidays with my family and to evaluate all plans both personally and professionally for 2011. And believe me, do I have plans for next year.
But one thing will remain. My love for photography and capturing those specials moments in life.
This past Friday I was reminded of why I do what I do. While photographing the 29 Palms High School CIF Playoff Football game, I got into a conversation with one of the Assistant Coaches, who was tracking stats during the game. The moment came later in the game during the 4th quarter. He leaned over to tell me that his son was going in as Quarterback and he’s only a Freshman.
As a parent, I know how significant this moment can be so I trained my camera on his son. I was able to capture a few moments of his son in action. During the next timeout, I showed “Dad” the photos of his son and got his email address so I could forward the photographs on to him. I could tell he was touched by the photographs. It’s moments like this that fuel my passion for photography and make it a joy to go to work.
After processing the images this weekend, I sent him the email. And I’m sure he’ll be surprised to see a few more photographs he didn’t know I captured of him and his son together at the conclusion of the game. Which was a victory for the 29 Palms Wildcats.
Here are some of my favorite photographs from Friday’s football game.