I was not a coffee drinker until a friend introduced me to Starbucks. It was a Brownie Frappe something actually. In fact, most times I couldn’t even stomach the smell of coffee brewing. But over time my taste buds have matured and I enjoy a cup of joe every morning as long as I have a flavored creamer to pour inside. And that was fine and good until I started taking a serious interest in what I put into my body.
There’s one ingredient that causes me the most concern. Carrageenan. There have been multiple studies showing that this ingredient can cause gastrointestinal inflammation, ulcers, colitis like diseases, cancer, and serious issues for diabetics. (Gonna have to talk to my MIL into making her own coffee creamer since she is a diabetic.) There are also trans fats in many coffee creamers and who knows what those natural and artificial flavors actually are.
Some time back while browsing Pinterest, I stumbled upon a link for homemade coffee creamer recipes from Cookin’ with Super Pickle. Catchy blog name, right? She offered up the base for the coffee creamer plus several recipes for different flavored creamers, including my favorite Peppermint Mocha. So I pinned it for later use.
Then yesterday I used the last of my York Peppermint Patty Coffee Creamer from International Delight. I said to myself that today was the day I was going to start making my own Coffee Creamers. I searched my Pinterest Food Board for the link to Cookin’ with Super Pickle and quickly scanned to see if I had all the ingredients necessary. Yep! Didn’t need to go to market for anything.
And it was super easy to make. I would have spent more time going to the store to buy more coffee creamer than I would just make it myself. Plus I was able to store my creations in glass mason jars. I’m trying to do away with storing food in plastic since chemicals used to create plastic can leech into food and are known carcinogens.
Now I have to admit that I did not immediately taste my creations yesterday when making them. I trusted that they would be yummy first thing in the morning. And I was right. My Peppermint Mocha Coffee was just what I need to wake up this morning and write this post.
I would say that this Pinterest Project 52 was a tasty success! And I know many of you would like to try these recipes out for yourself so I created some PDF’s of the recipes for you to download and print (just click the PDF open and save to your computer). Peppermint Mocha Coffee Creamer Recipe Irish Cream Coffee Creamer Recipe
And if you’d like to see what other Flavor Recipes Cookin’ with Super Pickle have, I suggest you click on over to her blog post to get those recipes.