It’s been quite a while since I participated in a blog “meme”. In the past, I’ve been a part of “Thursday’s 13“, “Skywatch Friday” and Fix It Friday” to mention a few. Back then the goal was to get more traffic to your blog and meet new people. But since refocusing my blog on my photography business, I haven’t really been doing the memes.

Until now…

My friend Christine Tremoulet, a fellow photographer I met while attending Fight Club in July, decided to start a new meme called “Things You Should Know About Me Thursday’s”.  Christine’s goal was to provide journaling prompts to bloggers.  I love the idea of this blog meme.

So here’s a little insight into Me.

I collect Barbie Dolls!  There. I said it.

This is so totally not what a typical “tomboy” would collect but I’ve been a big fan of Barbie since I was a little girl.  And I still have a majority of my Barbie stuff packed safely away in storage. 

Countless Barbie dolls; remnants from the original Barbie Townhouse; blow up Barbie furniture from the 1970’s; and clothes. A ton of clothes!

Everyone knew I loved Barbie.  Including my grandmother Jean, who’s best friend Jo used to work for Mattel in the 60’s.  For years my grandmother tried to get an original Barbie mold doll Jo had saved while working at Mattel.  Never happened.  🙁

And just imagine my delight when I first found out I was having a baby girl.  I could not wait to introduce her to the wonderful world of Barbie. 

Before she could even play with Barbie’s, I started buying the “Collectibles”.  Like the the annual Christmas Barbie.  And a must have was the Birthday Barbie for each birthday.  I seem to recall that there was a Fairy Tale series as well. 

I remember one particular Christmas where I spent hours putting together all the piece to all the sets I got my daughter for Christmas presents.  The Pet Shop. The Vet’s Office.  So many accessories scattered all over the floor.  But it was so much fun!

Sadly, my daughter was not into Barbie as much as she got older.  So now our combined collection sits hidden away in storage.

Audrey Hepburn™ as Sabrina Doll (Photo Credit: Barbie Collector)

And though I prefer my comfy tomboy style of jeans and to-shirts, there’s still a little part of me that loves all the glitz and glamour of Barbie.

