What snap happy person doesn’t love getting a shiny new camera for Christmas.

I know I would be thrilled beyond belief if my family surprised me with the camera of my dreams for Christmas (the one and only Canon EOS 5D Mark III 22.3 MP Full Frame CMOS with 1080p Full-HD Video Mode Digital SLR Camera (Body) .  This year however my daughter found a new camera for her underneath the twirling Christmas tree.  Like a good photographer I mean Mother that I am, I did include a few camera accessories along with the camera. 

But if you are in need of a few camera accessories, here are my 5 must haves (links are to the categories on Amazon).

  • Every camera needs good Memory Cards.  You’ll want to get a memory card that has a good transfer speed, especially if you like to take pictures of fast moving objects.  And it’s always a good idea to have more than one in case one fails or you take a lot of pictures.

  • Protect your new gear with a Camera Case.  I recommend getting a case or bag that will fit your camera snuggly plus have room or pockets for accessories.

  • Stabilize your camera with a sturdy Tripod.  Tripods can come in handy for many situations.  Like taking a selfie or a group photo with your camera’s built in timer.  If you want to do any night photography or long exposure photos, a tripod is a must.

  • You know what’s even better than your camera’s timer, a Remote Control.  This probably only applies if you were gifted with a DSLR type of camera.  If you got a point and shoot, you may be out of luck unless your camera has Wi-Fi capabilities.  Again remote controls are great for capturing selfies or night photography.

  • If you’re now the proud owner of a DSLR camera, your going to want some serious glass Lenses.  The right lens will make all the difference in the world with your photographs, trust me.  At this point, I’m going to refer you to an article I previous posted about Buying a Good Lens.


5 must have camera accessories

 As you know, I am a Canon girl, so if you’d like to check out my Gear Wish List, head on over to Pinterest and check out my Board. 

xoxo, Patricia


P.S. See you next year!