If you read my blog regularly you should be a subscriber, then you know I took part of Scott Kelby’s 2nd Annual World Wide Photo Walk this past Saturday.  For those who are not familiar with Scott Kelby, he is a Photographer as well as a Master of Photoshop.  I hope to learn many things from his website over the next 30 days as I was granted Free Access for a month to the many tutorials he offers.

I took 154 images in about an hours time.  When I got home Saturday morning, I quickly organized them and picked out my favorite for submission for the contest.  Monday, once I had had some sleep, I began to go through the photographs again and found more jewels hidden within the digital files.  When I saw this one particular photograph, I was drawn into the image by the vibrant reds and thought how wonderful it would be to debut this photograph on Ruby Red Tuesday.  This flower really stands out from all the others in the background.  Definitely the Star Flower in this picture show.  I hope my audience finds this digital photograph pleasing to the eye.

Now I invite you to click on over to the home of Ruby Red Tuesday at Work of a Poet and view the other amazing photographs bloggers have submitted and don’t forget to leave some comment love.  And if you enter, we’ll be kind and love you too with our comments.