Sunday is upon us though most of the house is still asleep.  I have my son to thank for me being up at 3am.  For some reason he decided to wake in the middle of the night and throw a fit.  I will be glad when he grows out of this stage.

My friend Robin over at Around the Island blog is probably asleep right now in Maine though normally she would be awake if she were back home in Israel.  But she is the host of the Summer Stock Sunday theme here in the world of blogging.  Blogger from all over the world post their photographs of summer and we all do a little blog hopping to see what each other has posted.

Since I am awake this morning, I am debating whether I should grab my camera and take a drive to Joshua Tree National Park.  Its been several weeks since I ventured into the park for an early morning photo walk.  Even though I’m not really a morning person bit of a night owl actually, on the occasion that I am active before 9am, I do enjoying hiking through the park just as the sun comes over the horizon.  The weather is cool and crisp in the winter months and all is quiet except for the natural desert inhabitants.

Here is a photograph I captured as I approached Barker Dam.  The morning I took this I found it amusing to have a sign posted for no swimming in a place where there currently was not water.  And I’ve never been one to go swimming in the sand either.  So enjoy the photograph and if you would like to know more about Joshua Tree National Park, you can read my Guest Post over on The Bumbles blog or for more details you can go here.

And now that you have seen my photograph for Summer Stock Sunday, click on over to Robin’s blog, wish her a happy Sunday, check out the photographs of our blogging friends and leave us a link to your Summer Stock Sunday photograph.  Don’t forget to share your summer photos with family and friends, its easy to do with where you can turn your photos into real US postage with PhotoStamps! Create unforgettable announcements, invitations and more!

Map picture