Tuesday has dawned once again in the desert.  Life is rather hectic today here in the desert.  A friend is coming over later this morning so that the children can play for a few hours while we try to enjoy some adult conversation which can be seriously lacking in our lives when our hubby’s are busy working outside of the home. 

And in the land of Blog, there are a few things going on a well.  As you can see from the digital photograph below, we are seeing Red.  As in Ruby Red Tuesday Blog theme hosted by Work of the Poet.  Be sure to click Dorothy’s shoes to see more Ruby Red Tuesday offerings.



And I would like to extend a warm desert welcome to all of those visiting from MckLinky’s Blog Hop.  Brent hosts a Blog Hop every Tuesday to help bring new visitors to many blogs.  While your here, don’t forget to red up About Me and then click on over here to see one of my favorite digital photographs I have taken recently.  Actually it’s one I took just last week.  The moon was just coming over the horizon and as I opened the shutter for 8 seconds, something moved in front of my camera.  At first I thought the shot was ruined, but as our can see it turned out rather well if I do say so myself.  If you are in to photography and would like to know more, then click on over here to learn about some FREE Webinar classes being offered by Creative Techs in Seattle, Washington.  Some of their offerings include Photoshop and Lightroom as well as a 10 week course on Digital Photography.  And don’t forget to continue on your Blog Hop journey just as soon as you leave some comments.  Good or bad, I appreciate hearing what you have to say.


MckLinky Blog Hop

Click here to enter your link in the blog hop and view the entire list of entered links…

