Blooming red cactus blooms from this past spring. I love how deep and rich they are in color. Perfect for Ruby Red Tuesday. But watch out for the needles of the cacti. One poke with those and you’ll be bleeding in red. Show off your reds by submitting your photos for this Ruby Red Tuesday blog meme.
Ruby Red Tuesday is a blog carnival hosted by Mary over at Work of the Poet. Blog carnivals are a wonderful way to meet fellow bloggers and learn something new. So if you are here on said blog carnival, Welcome! If this is your first time here, be sure to click on the RSS Feed button so you don’t miss any posts about This Desert Life.
And if you would like to order some products with today’s photograph, I have made some available on Cafe Press. So click on over and check them out.
Psst, they would make great gifts for the upcoming holidays.