April has been a busy month for military homecomings.

And a busy time for those anxiously awaiting the return of their loved ones from military deployment.   Stocking the kitchen. Making banners. Cleaning house.  Getting time off from work. As for me, I get prepared by making sure all my equipment is clean and in working order.  Plenty of memory cards to capture those first moments.  Food and drink to hold me over while waiting for the buses to arrive since you can always count of delays.

And then you see the buses, and the waiting crowd gets in a welcome frenzy.  Priceless, the moment your client spies their loved one in a sea of camouflage.


april military homecoming 2


I was so absorbed in capturing these moments, I didn’t even notice how quickly the welcome crowd dispersed.  That gave this Marine some time to grab a good old American hot dog from the Bob Hope USO table and enjoy a few moments with his fiancée. 


taste of home american hot dog

And before you knew it, they were off to collect his bags and some long awaited quiet alone time.  Welcome Home Marine!  And thank you for your service!

[full_width_color bg_color=”#0697cc” color=”#ffffff”]xoxo, Patricia[/full_width_color]