Week 9 was all about trying out and learning new techniques in Photoshop. I was inspired by this piece of art by Rabi Khan found on Saatchi Art online via Pinterest.


I loved how the tulips in the inspiration piece appeared to be melting down the canvas.  So I went through my collection of images to find something colorful to use to try and mimic this technique.  I discovered an image I captured back in 2011 of colorful tulips growing in a nursery I went to while visiting friends in Idaho.

Basically I used the Liquify Filter in Photoshop to manipulate or pull down the tulips after using an action to render the flowers as a painting.  Personally I liked the results and plan to play with other landscape images from my archives in similar fashion when I get the time. 

 AJC 2014 - Week 9 - Gather

[full_width_color bg_color=”#0697cc” color=”#ffffff”]xoxo, Patricia[/full_width_color]