This morning I opened an email newsletter from a fellow landscape photographer James Brandon, who shared this passage in his weekly newsletter.

“I’m including the quote from last week again because the importance of this mindset really sank in over the past few weeks, and I want it to sink in for you as well (here’s a video of Bruce Lee where the quote comes from). Sometimes, things don’t always go the way we plan them. Sometimes, we find ourselves in a situation that isn’t ideal. Sometimes, we are asked to do something that we don’t really want to do. If we simply open our minds, go with the flow and do it with a good attitude, our lives will be so much easier. The flip side is only accepting a world that fits into your comfort zone, and refusing to participate if everything isn’t perfect.” James Brandon

I so needed to be reminded to go with the flow this week.  Yes, its been one of those weeks.  Just so much juggling of homeschooling, art council duties, client projects, prepping for next months art tours and just life in general.  This totally aligns with my mindset and how I have always dealt with challenges I have faced throughout my lifetime so far.

Be water my friend quote with image of Barker Dam


So how do you deal with the challenges that life throws at you?

[full_width_color bg_color=”#0697cc” color=”#ffffff”]xoxo, Patricia[/full_width_color]