Star Struck by Lightning

Star Struck by Lightning

With thunder rattling the upper atmosphere and lightning charging the skies, I grabbed my gear and prayed I wouldn’t get struck by lightning as I chased the storm cells in Joshua Tree National Park. The past 48 hours have been a whirlwind of weather.  Which is unusual...
Fall’s Angle

Fall’s Angle

Yay for fall weather!  Today’s high is only set to be about 85 degrees. For some of you that may be warm for fall, but to us desert ratz, its just right!  And I’m actually having to take a jacket with me when I head out in the evening to photograph the...
The Fire Chief Peanut Cactus

The Fire Chief Peanut Cactus

All hail the Fire Chief! Earlier this week, a friend of mine posted a picture of her 24 hour blooming cactus on Facebook.  Even in the harsh afternoon sunlight, the beauty of this blooming cactus captured my attention.  I immediately replied that I would...
What’s new in my camera gear bag?

What’s new in my camera gear bag?

Yes, I have a new toy in my camera gear bag. And it’s not your normal camera gadget.  It’s a GPS unit.  More specifically it’s the Garmin eTrex 20 Worldwide Handheld GPS Navigator. A few years ago I got this idea of geotagging all the images I capture of joshua trees...
The Third  Tetrad  Moon

The Third Tetrad Moon

The third tetrad moon of four has been captured. I started this series of images back in April of 2014 when the first blood moon occurred.  And the second happened last October.  I’ve learned a lot since those two blood moons and I put that knowledge to good...