Thursday’s Thirteen: The Homecoming Edition

Thursday’s Thirteen: The Homecoming Edition

This past Saturday my daughter and her friends attended their high school homecoming dance.  Naturally I insisted on taking photos before they all left for the dance.  And I spent a few hours yesterday preparing the images in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 (this is an...
Thirsty Red Rider

Thirsty Red Rider

CJ is sporting a bright red helmet as we go bike riding.  The better for others to see and a perfect picture for Ruby Red Tuesday. Ruby Red Tuesday is a blog carnival hosted by Mary over at Work of the Poet. Blog carnivals are a wonderful way to meet fellow...
Heavenly Skies

Heavenly Skies

To check out some more Skywatch Friday photographs. I made it easy for you to follow the links. Wishing you a picture perfect ! ~ Patty <