1. 11. 2009 | Photography
This picture above is from the location Cap Rock as you are driving out to Keys View. Cap Rock is one of my favorite spots within the park.
1. 11. 2009 | Photography
29. 10. 2009 | Personal, Photography
This past Saturday my daughter and her friends attended their high school homecoming dance. Naturally I insisted on taking photos before they all left for the dance. And I spent a few hours yesterday preparing the images in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 (this is an...
27. 10. 2009 | Photography
CJ is sporting a bright red helmet as we go bike riding. The better for others to see and a perfect picture for Ruby Red Tuesday. Ruby Red Tuesday is a blog carnival hosted by Mary over at Work of the Poet. Blog carnivals are a wonderful way to meet fellow...
26. 10. 2009 | Personal, Photography
This has been my project for most of the weekend, hence the black and white screenshot from my computer. First I went through my checklist which you can read about here to prepare my computer for the move to Windows 7. Microsoft did not make it easy for me as...
23. 10. 2009 | Photography
To check out some more Skywatch Friday photographs. I made it easy for you to follow the links. Wishing you a picture perfect ! ~ Patty <