The Beauty of Friendship

The Beauty of Friendship

I would gladly drive 4 hours on a Friday night through evening traffic alone in amini-van with a 5 year old child, just to help her paint her bathroom. That’s what friends are for.

{POTD} 6/12/09

{POTD} 6/12/09

No Pomp & Circumstance for these kindie’s! It’s all about running wild and loud through the school sprinklers and then the teachers in their infinite wisdom will supply the children with various sweet treats and ice cream just before…

Picture of the Day 6/11/09

Picture of the Day 6/11/09

Earlier this morning as I read the daily influx of emails, a truck pulled up outside, and then I heard footsteps.  It was a delivery.  I started to get excited that perhaps FedEx had arrived a day early with the camera.  Suddenly the day was looking very exciting....
Kewl Props

Kewl Props

As I was going about my day, socializing on the web (what else is a SAHM supposed to do all day) with my fellow sisters, I heard the buzz about a kewl website called Prop Insanity.  Babies are so precious to photograph and adding some kewl handcrafted...
Picture of the Day 6/10/09

Picture of the Day 6/10/09

I feel lost and lonely today as I have no digital camera to take pictures with today.  But today’s picture of the day is a picture of the camera I have ordered as my replacement.  I can hardly wait til Friday. Though I almost had a heart attack last night.  I...