My Gift to You this Holiday Season

My Gift to You this Holiday Season

Happy Holidays to everyone from PK Photography! I love to bake special goodies during the holiday season.  Last week I baked up some Butterscotch Chippy Cookies and some delightful Peanut Butter Cookies.  And today I made some homemade White Chocolate...

The Science of Bubbles

Never has a science lesson been so much fun! Earlier this week, the Yucca Valley Branch Library presented Bubble-ology 101 as part of the Bubbles, Bangles, Bright Shiny Beads event sponsored by the “Friends of the Yucca Valley Library”.  Bubble-ology was being...
My Life According to Facebook 2010

My Life According to Facebook 2010

As we approach the end of 2010, many people begin reflecting on the year past. Someone created this interesting application for Facebook that collects your status from the past year. It’s a rather interesting look at your life for the past several months. And to...
A Father’s Pride

A Father’s Pride

I know that I have been MIA around my blog as of late.  To be honest, I am finding it hard to balance my professional life as a Photographer and my personal life as a mother of two, wife, housekeeper, home school learning coach, etc.  And now that the...