Thursday’s 13: The book edition

Thursday’s 13: The book edition

The book is titled, “The Digital Photography Book: Volume 3” and was written by Scott Kelby. If you have never heard of Scott, he is a well known Photographer, Author of more than 50 e is the President of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals.

My black and white fascination

My black and white fascination

For as long as I have been venturing into the Joshua Tree national Park, I have had a fascination with trees. Fallen trees, burnt trees, joshua trees, you name it and I will be entertained for hours. Take this photograph. I just love the holes that naturally occur in...

Nunc Placerat Tempor

Etiam rhoncus risus non est pretium egestas. Nunc placerat tempor dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque sollicitudin scelerisque varius. Cras volutpat sem vulputate quam feugiat a luctus erat...

In Honor of Veteran’s Day

To those that have served, to those that have sacraficed their lives, and to those brave men and women who protect us today, this American Mother thanks you!
I Ask, You Answer

I Ask, You Answer

Desert Greetings fellow bloggers!  I hope that your week is going well.  So good of you to stop by while riding the MckLinky Blog Hop.  Onto the question: Traditions are important; they define our lives, our dreams, and the things that mean the most to us.  One...