3. 11. 2009 | Personal, Photography
Spider Man climbing a joshua tree. How’s that for a Ruby Red Tuesday. On Halloween I went over to a friend’s house to take some photographs of all the kids dressed up for Halloween. This is my favorite photo from Halloween. CJ dressed as Spider Man. He had a blast...
29. 10. 2009 | Personal, Photography
This past Saturday my daughter and her friends attended their high school homecoming dance. Naturally I insisted on taking photos before they all left for the dance. And I spent a few hours yesterday preparing the images in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 (this is an...
26. 10. 2009 | Personal, Photography
This has been my project for most of the weekend, hence the black and white screenshot from my computer. First I went through my checklist which you can read about here to prepare my computer for the move to Windows 7. Microsoft did not make it easy for me as...
18. 10. 2009 | Personal, Photography
I love my spider plants. I currently have 2 planters full and I am working on rooting some babies to begin a third planter. Just need to keep my cat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer away from them. Spider plant, Chlorophytum comosum, is one of the most common and...