Donec Ultricies Lectus

Suspendisse eros velit, rutrum nec congue in, viverra ac leo. Suspendisse potenti. Duis fermentum arcu at sem hendrerit auctor. In condimentum sem ac ante porta pellentesque. Vivamus pretium ullamcorper urna, bibendum euismod felis tincidunt eget. Nunc viverra ante et...
Peppermint Splash: Hybrid Tea Rose

Peppermint Splash: Hybrid Tea Rose

This rose is called, Peppermint Splash.  It is a Hybrid Tea Rose.  They produce enormous blooms, each one different than the next bloom. They generally have perfect high-centered form, and smell of fresh honeysuckle. The petals aren’t exactly striped...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Just a note, the bat was slightly injured by my cat, Buffy.  We have a lady here in the desert that rescues bats.  She came out immediately to take this male bat into her care.  She called me later that day to let me know that he just had a torn ligament in his wing...
The Element of Surprise

The Element of Surprise

Six years ago this coming November, I became pregnant with my second child.  I wanted to tell my parents in a special way.  I came up with the idea to wrap two toy baby dolls (one boy, one girl) as a present and have them open it during our family’s annual Christmas...

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Phasellus accumsan fermentum lacus, in imperdiet orci imperdiet in. Fusce et nisl id mauris pulvinar aliquet quis a dui. Quisque nisl augue, facilisis nec gravida a, auctor non arcu. Donec metus eros, vestibulum ut venenatis eget, varius a velit. Ut eget est quam, in...
Labor Pains

Labor Pains

I hope that you had a wonderful long, Labor Day weekend.  How did you spend your holiday weekend?  I know many people flock to the beaches, lakes, and rivers to party and have fun one last time for the summer.  Not me.  I spent the weekend laboring...