Picture of the Day 5/26/09

Picture of the Day 5/26/09

Last Thursday my daughter came home complaining that she injured her right ring finger why playing flag football at PE.  I had her ice it as it did not appear broken and we splinted it to keep it from getting bumped.  On Friday she got sent up to see the scholl nurse...
Picture of the Day 5/24/09

Picture of the Day 5/24/09

Was struck by a really bad bout of insomnia last night but I wanted to post some of the progress we have made on our project.
Picture of the Day 5/23/09

Picture of the Day 5/23/09

Memorial Day holiday weekend is here.  Many will honor those fallen soldiers who dies for our country.  And others will embark on a home improvement project over this long hoiday weekend. My hubby and I spontaneously decided to go with the latter.  You see, we have...
Picture of the Day 5/22/09

Picture of the Day 5/22/09

As I was reading my morning dose of RSS online feeds, one entitled, “How I know I’m home.” struck a cord with me. If I am now home, that would indicate that I have been gone.  And when zi am gone and away from home, the house doesn’t always...