This week has not been going well. At. All! So instead of crawling under a rock I turn to my creative side to calm the raging sea inside. An hour or so into a project is where I find my peace. Your probably wondering what this all has to do with digital tutorials....
Not happy with the background in your photograph? Swap it out for a new one. And I will show you how in today’s Digital Tutorial. There are a few things you need to know and do in order for this to be successful. Let’s start with the...
Welcome back to another digital tutorial. While browsing through a scrapbook magazine this weekend, I learned a cool way to apply text masks to photographs in Adobe Photoshop Elements. I thought it was pretty cool and thought you might enjoy it as well. I sometimes...
It’s no secret that I absolutely love using Adobe Lightroom for organizing and editing all of my digital photographs. And I am so thankfully to the guys at Creative Techs for offering their free courses on such products as Adobe Lightroom. Today I would...
Taking a break this week from Tuesday’s Digital Tutorial. Spending time this week making some changes to the look of This Digital Life. Plus I need to work on some photos for the next Digital Tutorial. Histograms Made Simple will be coming to you on January 5, 2010....
Welcome to another edition of Ruby Red Tuesday’s Digital Tutorial. This week I would like to demonstrate how to apply a Reverse Black and White effect to an image in Photoshop Elements. I am sure you have all seen images where most of the image is in black and white...