Fix It Friday #21
Another reason to love Friday’s? Fix It Friday’s over at i heart faces. Every Friday they will post a reader’s photograph for others to show off their editing skills. This gives me an excuse to purposely learn something new in Photoshop Elements or...Fix It Friday #20
I heart Friday’s because over at i heart faces they challenge us readers to take a photograph submitted by a reader and put our photo editing skills to work. This weeks photo comes from Lindsay and is titled, “Little Miss”. Here is the original. ...{POTD} Photo Edits
Last week I finally got Pse7. Costco had an awesome deal that no one could beat. Try $49. Last night I finally had the patience to sit down and try an editing technique I have admired in other photographs. Selective coloring. It was rather easy and I learned it...Learn Digital Photography FREE
Last month I was fortunate to be on a live Webinar with Art Wolfe. Art was kind enough to share some wonderful photographs from his portfolio from his travels and