I heart Friday’s because over at i heart faces they challenge us readers to take a photograph submitted by a reader and put our photo editing skills to work.  This weeks photo comes from Lindsay and is titled, “Little Miss”.  Here is the original.



As for editing, I agree with others that the background is a little distracting.  So I decided to try my mouse pen at some selective coloring in Photoshop Elements 7.  Once I had the digital photograph open in my editor, I created a background copy layer.  I converted this layer to black and white, leaving the original layer in color.  Grabbed my mouse pen and outlined this adorable looking “Little Miss”.  Then I deleted her.  Yep got rid of the black and white image of her so that the color version could shine right through that black and white layer.  I then added a matted frame over the picture to further bring out the color in her sundress.  And here you have my final edit.

If you would like to try your hand at editing this photograph, then click on over to i heart faces and show us your skills.  Now its time to go check out the other reader submissions.
