I don’t know about you, but there are times when I just want to try new things in Photoshop.  For the past two weeks I have been playing around with CS5, downloading as many free actions (that I like) that I can, and trying my hand at post-processing.

Yesterday I spent most of the day working on some PSD templates with photos I took this week of my son and his friend having fun in the pool.  I also took a wonderful image my friend David from the UK took in his backyard and added some punch to it.  You can view that photo here.  And this morning on the I Heart Faces blog, it’s Fix It Friday so I get to have a little more fun with my trial version of CS5.


Here is the original photograph:

FIF 60 Original

My edited version:

I probably went through a dozen actions on this photo before deciding on the final three actions I applied.  The first action was “Fade to Black and White” from Kevin Kubota.  And then I applied his “Popsickle” action to make the details in this photo pop.  And lastly I used an Action to create a classic Polaroid frame.

So what do you think of the Actions I applied to this photograph on loan from the I Heart Faces blog?  Was this photograph better in color?  Was the Polaroid frame too much?  I would love to read your feedback.  And then click on over the I Heart Faces blog and check out how the other photographers from the I Heart Faces community edited this photograph.