I haven’t participated in i heart faces Fix It Friday challenge in quite some time. But this morning, when I first saw the photograph for the challenge I was motivated to try out some new PS Actions I had just downloaded yesterday. You see, earlier this week I downloaded a trial version of Adobe Photoshop CS5 and I am totally hooked.
Here is the original photo readers of the i heart faces blog were given to apply their post-processing skills to:
And here is my version post-edited:
As I stated before, I am currently using Adobe Photoshop CS5. To edit this photograph I first converted this image to black and white, then theTony Soft #2 Blur action and lastly I framed it out with the xFrame v2 Action. All of these actions can be downloaded for free on the Adobe Exchange site.
If you love photography, which obviously I do, I suggest you click on over to the i heart faces blog and become a reader. I promise the gurls at i heart faces will welcome you with open arms. You just might learn a thing or two about photography while your there. Or if your really knowledgeable about photography perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing some of your knowledge with your fellow photographers. And as a bonus you might just win something in one of their contest or giveaways that they have on occasion. So click over now and join the i heart faces community. See ya there!