fracture me product image

Have you heard a Fracture?

I see you shaking your head “No!” so probably not.  Now you’re wondering what is fracture?  And what does it have to do with photography.

Fracture is the new picture frame or printed photo glass decor, at least according to the creators, and Abhi Lokeshi and Alex Theodore.

Would you like to know more about fracture?

Me too!  That’s why I’m responding to the TwitterMoms RAMBO alert for an opportunity to try out this new product myself.  And if I’m one of 100 chosen participants, I’ll be writing a Review of Fracture in a few weeks.

What is Fracture exactly?

Well, according to their website, Fracture is a contemporary and affordable way to display your favorite photos.  You know me, I’m all for displaying (not storing or hiding) your images proudly.

Fracture is a simple process of uploading your image, customizing it and then hanging it (once you receive it.)Your photographs are actually printed right onto glass.  This reminds of the technique used by photographers (like Ansel Adams) during the 1920’s, where images were exposed in camera straight onto glass.  The advantage to glass negatives were that they produced sharper prints with fine details.

I’m really looking and forward to trying out Fracture and to see the image quality of the finished product.  And I know exactly which photograph I will use.  Do you?

If you can guess which image I will use for this Review, I will Gift you with a Prepaid Visa so you can try out Fracture for yourself.  Just leave me a Comment with the Title of the Blog Post that contains the image I will have printed on  a Fracture frame.  This Giveaway will be open until midnight August 31st.

Celebrate Life and Capture It!


P.S. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, I may give out a hint or two 🙂

“I wrote this blog post in response to a TwitterMoms RAMBO alert, making me eligible to get a Fracture picture frame for review. You can learn more about Fracture at”