Last Wednesday I completed a Four Week Online Photography Course offered by Creative Techs and I just signed up for 3 more online courses. For one the courses are Free which is always a good thing. And secondly, I learned so much in the first course I took and I believe that we can always learn more even if we are already schooled in a subject. Take photography for instance, I already knew many of the basics about photography like composition and the rule of thirds, and changing your ISO setting to 400 or higher when you are in low light situations. Some new things I learned was the particulars of capturing objects that are moving and deciding if your want to freeze the action or blue the action and how to establish the correct settings on your camera in order to do this.
This morning I just signed up for 3 more courses that Creative Techs will be offering starting next month. One of the courses is a 10 week overview on Lightroom. I actually just purchased Lightroom about two weeks ago so this course could not have come at a better time. Lightroom is great at processing RAW photographs. For those not familiar with RAW, it is a format in which your camera saves your photographs when you take a picture. Think of it as the “negatives” you used to get back when you sent in your film for developing. With Lightroom you can adjust the white balance of your photographs which is great if you forgot to change the settings on your camera from the last time you used it. Your also supposed to be able to catalog all your photographs which is great if you take thousands of pictures like I do. I just got my new digital camera in June and have already taken over four thousand pictures. I also understand that Lightroom can help with archiving your photographs as well. That is something I need to do now since all these photographs are taking up a lot of space on my hard drive.
Another course I signed up for is a 6 month course on Photoshop. I actually own a copy of Photoshop Elements which I have yet to full understand. I am hoping this six month course will help me utilize Pse when I need to make adjustments to my photographs. I would also love to learn how to create digital scrapbook pages which is one of the subjects they will be covering.
- Course 3 – Photoshop Fun
- Nov 12 – Scrapbooking Techniques
- Nov 19 – Brushes
- Dec 3 – Layer Effects
And the third course I signed up for is a 10 week course on Digital Photography. This course is supposed to go into more depth about using your digital camera than the four week course I just took. Granted I already know a lot but I know there is always something new to learn. Here is what is to be covered during this ten week course:
- Week 1, Sep 2 – Introduction
- Week 2, Sep 9 – Digital Cameras
- Week 3, Sep 16 – Lenses
- Week 4, Sep 23 – Exposure I
- Week 5, Sep 30 – Exposure II
- Week 6, Oct 7 – Focus
- Week 7, Oct 14 – Aesthetics I
- Week 8, Oct 21 – Aesthetics II
- Week 9, Oct 28 – The Gadget Bag
- Week 10, Nov 4 – Full Exposure
As you can see, I will be doing plenty of learning over the next several months. I hope that you will join me in some of these courses. Just follow the links above to sign up for any of the courses. I do not get anything for referring you. But the more people who sign up the more Creative Techs will offer for free.