I have been a fan of Jack Canfield for several years now. Jack Canfield is taking his Success Principles Workshop on the road in 2010 and am excited to share this news with you today and link you up with this wonderful opportunity. Yes, I am an affiliate for Jack Canfield but only because I have read his books and have applied his Success Principles to my life and am only too happy to pass this information on to you.
Many people define success by how much money they make or what material possessions they accumulate. I think something else is more important – the amount of love and joy in your life.
That’s why I want to introduce you to someone who has changed my life … Jack Canfield.
You might recognize Jack as the founder and co-author of the New York Times bestselling book series Chicken Soup for the Soul. Or you might recognize him as one of the contributing authors from the runaway hit movie, The Secret … and host of the PBS special, The Secret Law of Attraction.
What most people don’t know is that Jack has devoted the last 40 years of his life studying and mastering what he calls “The Success Principles.” He coaches and trains individuals, entrepreneurs, educators, psychologists and corporate leaders to accelerate the achievement of their personal and professional goals by integrating the principles into their daily lives, allowing them to live their dreams … and create more joy in their everyday lives. Jack’s life purpose is to educate and inspire others to live their HIGHEST vision in the context of love and joy.
Like me, he believes that without love and joy, you can’t truly be successful.
That’s why he’s offering a 1-day experiential program – The Success Principles Workshop – to personally teach you and other likeminded individuals how to use his most powerful success principles.
The Success Principles Workshop http://www.jackcanfield.com/cmd.php?Clk=3478871
Get the Tools and Action Plan to Double Your Results, Income, Free Time and Fun
By participating in the Success Principles Workshop, you’ll gain the insights and skills needed to create MAJOR breakthroughs, moving you closer to your goals and the quality of life you deserve in 2010 and beyond.
Jack has carefully chosen the most powerful transformational processes, allowing you to increase your clarity, focus and power, as well as help you develop the momentum and support necessary to achieve success for the rest of your life. These are foundational principles that can be used to achieve any goal, in any area of your life. Jack will teach you the latest breakthroughs on the power of intention and thought in the creation of physical and financial results.
This information about how conscious intention affects your deepest desires goes far beyond what is discussed in The Secret … and will provide the simple, yet missing, ingredients you need to make the law of attraction work in your life. For full details about what you’ll learn, click here: http://www.jackcanfield.com/cmd.php?Clk=3478871
Achieve Your Goals in 2010
Whether you want to focus on professional goals, like:
• Increasing your business revenue … and profits
• Being the top salesperson in your company
• Attracting more visitors to your website
• Getting a promotion or new job
• Publishing your first book
• Generating passive income Or personal goals like:
• Staying in line with your purpose
• Creating more joy in your life
• Finding balance between work and home
• Losing weight
• Finding your soul mate
• Buying your dream home
• Raising happy, successful kids …
The principles you’ll discover at The Success Principles Workshop get you there faster and with less effort than ever before. If you’re ready to become an unstoppable success THIS year, reserve your seat now for the Success Principles Workshop: http://www.jackcanfield.com/cmd.php?Clk=3478871
Want a Jump Start? Get 4 Powerful Tools to Boost Your Success Right Now http://www.jackcanfield.com/cmd.php?Clk=3478871
To help you get a jumpstart on achieving your goals – and give you a taste of what the Success Principles Workshop is like – Jack is offering a free audio training program at his site.
You’ll receive 4 powerful tools that you can use immediately to:
-Clarify exactly what you want in all 7 areas of your life … and write these goals in a way that dramatically increases your chance of achieving them
-Create a vibrant, crystal-clear image of your ideal life
–Vitally important for attracting the success you want
-Map out a plan for achieving your goals (without this critical step, you’ll feel overwhelmed … and will probably never hit your targets)
-Identify all of the things that are distracting your attention and hindering your ability to achieve greater success
Claim your copy now: http://www.jackcanfield.com/cmd.php?Clk=3478871