Yep!  This Picture Quote I found on Pinterest says it all. 

My regular readers may have noticed that my blog has been taken over by crickets the last several weeks.  That’s because I was moving.  Can I just say that moving SUCKS!

This move especially since we downsized from a 2000 square foot home to a 1100 square foot home.  Nearly half!  I can not even tell you how much crap I threw away and donated to a local charity.  It was downright wasteful. 

And exhausting!

Go figure, just when we find a new home to move into, my husband’s job picked up and he was working late just about every single day.  So I did most of the packing and moving myself (with some help from friends, which I am totally thankful for!)  Between my friends and the nightly Epsom salt lavender soaks I was taking, it’s how I survived this move. 

Pinterest Tired Woman Quote

One lesson learned from this move, my husband and I collect too much stuff that we saw were going to recycle and never got around to doing.  So together we need to work on doing more projects.  Or just not save the crap in the first place. 

Cause let me tell you, a major move like this at the age of 42, ain’t no picnic.  I also learned that I’m getting too old for this shit.  In fact, I told my husband, the next time we move, we’re either hiring someone to do it for us or we’re moving permanently into a motor home to travel the country for the rest of our lives. 

But there are some pluses to this move.  I no longer have carpet anywhere in my house.  I can not tell you how happy this makes me.  I despise carpet! It’s disgusting I tell you.  Think about it…would you wear one outfit for the next 10-20 years, ever taking it off, and the only cleaning it would get was when you took a shower?  Yeah, that’s how I feel about carpet.

Another blessing about this move.  There is less house to clean!  That means I can spend more time with my family and more time growing my business.  Which has been sorely neglected in 2013.

In order to get a carpet free home, I had to give up my home studio.  Which I am totally okay with because it has made me think of how I can improve the services I offer my clients.  So no more stressing my family out when having complete strangers to them over to the house for a Client Viewing/Ordering Session.  Now my clients can relax in the comfort of their home while I bring the Viewing/Ordering Session to them. 

I’m also going to be focusing more on “On Location” Sessions.  Let’s face, I’m now less than 5 miles away from the West entrance to the Joshua Tree National Park.  This desert landscape is one beautiful backdrop!  I should be showcasing it more.  And that’s what I indeed to do.  As well as the other locations in the Morongo Basin.

Time for another soaking!  That’s how I’m feeling.