I see some nectar hiding in the Sage.
If you are a mother of a young child, then you are probably familiar with the book, "Brown Bear". I have read that book countless times to both my children, now ages 16 and 6, and it is forever embedded into my memory. And was the inspiration for today’s Ruby Red Tuesday.
I was lucky a few weeks ago to capture this Hummingbird feasting on my Autumn Sage I have growing in my front garden. It was especially challenging this day to capture any outdoor photographs because the wind was blowing around 45mph and stirring up lots of dust (not good for digital cameras).
For those interested in the technical details of this photograph. The exposure was 1/400 sec at f/5.6; ISO 100; focal length 55mm; shot in RAW format. I then uploaded the photograph into Adobe Lightroom and converted it to a DNG file. The photograph was then cropped so your focus would be on the Sage and the hummingbird. I also adjusted the coloring to grayscale leaving only the red visible. To finish off the picture, I gave the red some more pop and sharpened the photograph.
If you would like to see more photographs on this Ruby Red Tuesday, just click on over by following the Ruby Red shoes.