For several months now I have been struggling with my creative side. To be honest, I just haven’t felt inspired.  Nor have I had the energy to go out and create, especially for personal projects. 

And all of this has left me feeling kind of lost with my photography business.  I just don’t know what I should be focusing my creative energy. Family Portraits? Kids? High School Seniors? Weddings? 

I’ve come to the realization that I just can’t do this alone.  I need someone to kick my ass and help me see things from a different perspective.  So last month I took the plunge and signed up for a very intensive 3 day coaching workshop.  It’s called Fight Club.

From the sounds of it, I will probably walk away emotionally bruised and drained but I believe I will have the perspective I have been searching for.

Recently I stumbled across a website called Soul Art Studio created by Laura Hollick.  She’s created this healing journey for creatives to help people find themselves I guess you could say based on her own journey.  Right now I am open for trying new things to help me move beyond this creative block.

One of the tools on the Soul Art website is to help you figure out what kind of creative spirit you have.  I have to say, the results spoke volumes to me.  It also gave me the feeling that I am not the only one who struggles with the journey of figuring out your life’s purpose.  It also gave me hope that I am on the right path and that soon I will have a clearer vision.

Your creative spirit type is: Journey Walker

‘Journey Walkers’ Laura Hollick with Journey Walkers. Photo by Kevin Thom.

You are searching to find your purpose and heal all the pieces that have disconnected you from your truth. Your great power is your desire and passion for learning and discovering. You might take this quality for granted, but know that it is desire and passion that creates worlds. You are ripe to burst into a new level of awareness and launch a dream that has been held within you forever. When you feel safe you have a childlike openness which keeps your mind young and healthy. There may be lots of questions swirling around within you right now, write them all down on a piece of paper and release them to the wind for every single one will be answered as you continue on your journey.

Your greatest challenge: While you are on the journey to know and discover who you really are you can feel lost and confused. The journey can feel tiresome at times because you might think it would be easier if you just had all the pieces. But, your challenge is to trust your process and know that it is unfolding perfectly with your best interest at heart. You have a unique creativity that wants to ripen, your greatest challenge is to trust the process.

Your greatest opportunity: You are on the journey of discovering your true purpose. Everything you do to explore and cultivate your unique creative expression is an act of power. You have been holding a sacred dream in your spirit womb for many lifetimes and now is the prime time to take the journey you are called to take.

Take Inspired Action: Trust yourself and take bold action as you continue to move forward on your journey. You are entering the territory of your unique creative spirit so don’t be surprised if magical things start to happen.