Happening in November, the Joshua Tree National Park Art Exposition
At the urging of a friend, I submitted several images to the juried art exposition. Unfortunately none of my art work got selected for this annual show. Considering I’m still very new to the art world, I wasn’t too disappointed. It was my first time submitting any of my artwork for a juried show.
I was happy to be invited to have an artist booth during their annual Art Exposition though. Looking forward to this event since it will be held at the Oasis of Mara Visitors Center in Twentynine Palms, California. And considering that Joshua Tree National Park brings in nearly 2 million visitors a year, I’m sure my passion and my skill at capturing this arid desert will garner a few new art collectors of my work.
So if you happen to be nearby or looking for a weekend getaway, considering coming to Twentynine Palms the weekend of November 14th & 15th and taking a stroll through the Art Exposition (don’t forget to stop by and say hello) and JTNP.
[full_width_color bg_color=”#0697cc” color=”#ffffff”]xoxo, Patricia[/full_width_color]