As an Introvert, I am usually not comfortable with bringing attention to myself.

But as a Business Owner I am realizing that self-promotion is a must in order to be successful.

So how did this all come about?

Well, I can tell you it was not something I sought out. In fact, I almost deleted the email when I first saw it in my email box back in April because I thought it was just another SPAM email.   After investigating the email headers source and then researching the company online to make sure this email was from a legitimate company, I sent my reply to Woman’s World Magazine.  Apparently they stumbled upon my blog post I wrote in 2012 featuring images from The Joiner Family’s military homecoming.

For two weeks communications went back and forth as we worked together to find the right images for their Father’s Day featured story.  I also contacted my client to ask their permission for the images to be used in the story.  Granted they had already signed a Model Release for me at the time I captured the military homecoming images, but I also respect their privacy and wanted their blessing on this venture.  They were just as excited as I was and happily provided permission as well as story details to the magazine directly. 

Once the magazine editors decided on which images were going to be used, it finally sunk in that this was actually happening.  I was going to get some of my images published in a national magazine. 

That’s when I began researching on the proper way to license the use of my images to a national magazine and how to get paid.  Fortunately everything went smoothly and a few weeks after submitting my Invoice to them with the proper usage terms, I received a check. 

The Issue is Out

shout out from Shera Joiner on Facebook

My connection at Woman’s World Magazine told me the issue would be available in store’s the first week of June.  So that Friday I visited 5 different stores in the Morongo Basin trying to find a copy of the Father’s Day issue.  I went home empty handed that day.  Fortunately my client was able to purchase a copy while down in the Coachella Valley a few days later and posted it all over Facebook and even tagged me.  I just have to say that I so appreciate my clients!

I received a few copies of the issue from my contact at Woman’s World Magazine earlier this week.  Which is a good thing since I never found a copy locally.  One of the pitfalls of living in a small town in the middle of the desert.  I plan to create a shadow box for the magazine article along with some prints of the images used.   

spread in Woman's World Magazine featuring images from Patricia Knight Photography

I guess now I can add “published photographer” to my “award winning photographer” title.  I’ll try hard to not let this 15 seconds of fame go to my head.  LOL

[full_width_color bg_color=”#0697cc” color=”#ffffff”]xoxo, Patricia[/full_width_color]