And this is how I found out that I had actually placed 3rd in the Best of Show at the Opening Artists Reception for the “Place” Exhibit at JTAG this past weekend.

Best In Show Congrats from Diana


Epic failure on my part to not even be present for my first award at my first showing in an art gallery. 

I was totally shocked as you can see by my response to a congratulatory post from my friend Diana.  I immediately stalked JTAG’s Facebook page for confirmation.  Yep, it was confirmed.  And then the next morning I discovered an email from the night before with the announcement.  Silly me didn’t even think to check my email box.  JTAG even blogged about the show the next day as well.  


JTAG 3rd Place Best in Show

I entered this exhibit with absolutely not expectations of winning anything.  I did this mainly to get exposure for my business. 

Let me repeat, I did not expect to win.  Yes, I thought my piece was unique and worthy of being in the gallery but the winners were being determined by voting.  It’s not in my nature to solicit votes for a popularity contest. 

And that’s why this Award means even more to me because I did not solicit my family and friends for their votes.  This honor was selected by total strangers.

I also learned a valuable lesson, I need to get out of my own way and value the art I create and not be afraid to share it with the world.


Super Moon Cholla Cactus Garden by Patricia Knight Photography

And never again will I leave an Opening Artists Reception where I have art hanging in the Gallery.  Or perhaps I should leave early to increase my chances of winning.  What do you think?

 xoxo, Patricia

 P.S. If you’re interested in purchasing a print of this Award Winning Image, just click on over to my Fine Art Store.