Portraits of Love Project 2012

Portraits of Love Project 2012

For a second year, I am teaming up with Soldiers’ Angels to offer Portraits of Love to military families located here in the Morongo Basin. The goal of Soliders’ Angels is to create 10,000 portraits of soldiers’ families so they can send these portraits to loved...
Portraits of Love Project 2012

Friendship continued…

Yesterday I wrote a short post about the I heart faces Friendship Challenge (check it out here) and I invited everyone to come back today to see the image I captured immediately after of the girls’ reaction to their self portrait.  And here it is: I’m sure this...
Portraits of Love Project 2012

i heart faces: Friendship

Funny how life manages to repeat itself through the generations.  I met my best friend in 1976 when I got interested in Blue Birds Troop (part of the Camp Fire USA) and my Mom let me join a local troop.  The troop leader had a daughter who was 11 months and...
What 2 Wear: Senior Style

What 2 Wear: Senior Style

I love Pinterest! It is such a wonderful source of inspiration for What 2 Wear: Senior Style. And when I saw this outfit, I nearly fell out of my chair. I. LOVE. THIS. OUTFIT! I mean, just look at that dress. Are these my colors or what! If a High School Senior was to...
Portraits of Love Project 2012

Buying a Good Lens

One thing I love about DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) Cameras is that you can easily change out the lens to bring a different look to your images.  Wide angle lens are perfect for taking in the vast beauty of a landscape.  And a prime lens (fixed lens...
Portraits of Love Project 2012

New Project: First Lego League

I have embarked on a new project that is not related to photography whatsoever.  I am Coaching a First Lego League Team this year. What is First Lego League you ask?  It’s a robotics program for kids ages 9 to 14, which was created to get kids excited about...
Portraits of Love Project 2012

Mother Daughter Weekend – August 2012

I threw financial caution to the wind the moment I learned that Duran Duran (my all time favorite band) as coming to the States to wrap up their latest tour.  I just had to see them.  After all, it had been 23 years since I had last seen them play live at...
Portraits of Love Project 2012

Stylized Wedding in Riverside

For many people, photography is a hobby, something fun to do.  I get asked all the time, “So what do you do for fun?”  Even though photography is my chosen field, I thoroughly enjoy it.  Photography is fun for me.  And participating in a Stylized...