19. 11. 2009 | Personal, Photography
The book is titled, “The Digital Photography Book: Volume 3” and was written by Scott Kelby. If you have never heard of Scott, he is a well known Photographer, Author of more than 50 e is the President of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals.
17. 11. 2009 | Tutorials
Has this ever happened to you: You just edited and fine tuned your photos and sent them to the printer (either in your home or to a online printing store such as Snapfish). You get your printed photos back and the colors do not match what you saw in the camera or even on your computer screen.
17. 11. 2009 | Tutorials
I was lucky a few weeks ago to capture this Hummingbird feasting on my Autumn Sage I have growing in my front garden. It was especially challenging this day to capture any outdoor photographs because the wind was blowing around 45mph and stirring up lots of dust (not good for digital cameras).
16. 11. 2009 | Personal, Photography
For as long as I have been venturing into the Joshua Tree national Park, I have had a fascination with trees. Fallen trees, burnt trees, joshua trees, you name it and I will be entertained for hours. Take this photograph. I just love the holes that naturally occur in...