23. 4. 2014 | Art Journal
After week 13’s emotional art journaling page, I was a little tapped out so I kept it simple this week. I love this poem I stumbled across by David Polis. My favorite line is, “Age is like a rainbow that follows the storms of life.” So what do you prefer,...
22. 4. 2014 | Families, Photography, Professional
Spring is in full bloom and so is the need for updated family portraits. Mom has been saving up for an Image Block Collection ever since she first saw the sample I purchased shortly after WPPI 2012. And the Plaza Grande is perfect for this family of 6. ...
15. 4. 2014 | Fine Art Landscapes, Photography
Capturing the blood moon (the first of 4 lunar eclipses visible in North America over the next 17 months) was almost perfect. Camping spot picked out at Ryan Campground. Check! Makings for s’mores. Check! Firewood. Check! Lighter & Matches. Check! Camera Gear!...
11. 4. 2014 | Art Journal
Our Art Journaling inspiration for this week… Write down a real life adventure that you’ve had/been on, with a “storybook” feel! I always wish my dad had written down the story about the time he fell into a pit of Diamondback rattle snakes in an old...
11. 4. 2014 | Art Journal
Week 9 was all about trying out and learning new techniques in Photoshop. I was inspired by this piece of art by Rabi Khan found on Saatchi Art online via Pinterest. I loved how the tulips in the inspiration piece appeared to be melting down the canvas. ...
11. 4. 2014 | Art Journal
There are many time when I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions and getting nothing accomplished. That’s when I need to remind myself to disconnect from all the distractions and re-connect with what’s really important in life....
11. 4. 2014 | Art Journal
[full_width_color bg_color=”#0697cc” color=”#ffffff”]xoxo, Patricia[/full_width_color]
27. 3. 2014 | Art Journal
The theme for Week 11 of my Art Journaling Caravan is Flourish. (flour-ish: grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, esp. as the result of a particularly favorable environment…) When I sat down to start Week 11’s Art Journaling project, I just gazed upon the...
14. 3. 2014 | Art Journal
I have been totally MIA around my blog lately. I sit down to write and the words, they just are not forthcoming. It’s like my brain just freezes up. I’ve been told many time to outsource what you don’t like to do so I’ve actually considered hiring someone to...
15. 2. 2014 | Art Journal
As beautiful as Sedona is, I was just really disappointed with the most of the images I captured with my DSLR. Just wasn’t feeling the colors in my images that I saw with my eyes. So I decided to take a break from my photo editing and turn my energy...