Devastation of Fire
This has been a very long week. On Wednesday night, my daughter lost just about everything she owned in a house fire. Fortunately, everyone was safe. This event was a reminder to us all of how precious life is and our memories. My daughter wasn’t upset about...The Fortitude of Motherhood
Motherhood, the most challenging and the most rewarding job for Mothers everywhere. One definitely needs fortitude to meet the challenges of motherhood. And life for that matter. I came across this life quote Sunday morning as I was reconnecting...How I’m Feeling
Yep! This Picture Quote I found on Pinterest says it all. My regular readers may have noticed that my blog has been taken over by crickets the last several weeks. That’s because I was moving. Can I just say that moving SUCKS! This move...
Pinterest Project 52: Homemade Coffee Creamers
I was not a coffee drinker until a friend introduced me to Starbucks. It was a Brownie Frappe something actually. In fact, most times I couldn’t even stomach the smell of coffee brewing. But over time my taste buds have matured and I enjoy a cup of joe every...Fashion Show London
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