Military Homecomings are usually a time of excitement and happiness.

Unless your a toddler who is up way past your bedtime. And to make matters worse, he was made to wait to see his Daddy.  He could see his Daddy right there in formation and couldn’t understand why he couldn’t run up and wrap his little arms around his Daddy.  And by the time Daddy was dismissed, this little guy was totally out of sorts for the next several hours.

My heart went out to Mom, who has been a single parent essentially for the past several months and was eager to welcome home her husband.  Instead she was having to deal with an overtired toddler who’s main focus at the moment was to wake up every single Marine asleep in the barracks nearby. Not the military homecoming she probably envisioned for her husband. 

I’ve been a mother for nearly 21 years and I could tell that the meltdown was going to last well into the wee hours of the night.  Fortunately, I had some time available the next day so I suggested to the family that we get together then for some happier family portraits after a good nights sleep.

Plenty Sunshine and smiles were to be found the next day when I met the Hogan Family at Luckie Park. But then Mom did bring french fries.  Who can say no to Mom when she’s got french fries!  I also brought my trusty sidekick with me to ensure plenty of smiles. The squawking chicken.  That definitely kept his attention for a few moments.

 And I think all the adults got in quite a morning workout trying to keep up with an energetic toddler. They are like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep going and going.  I know I was ready for a nap by the time I got back to my studio. I so wish I could bottle up a toddlers energy, don’t you?   


military homecoming pictures at Luckie Park


[full_width_color bg_color=”#0697cc” color=”#ffffff”]xoxo, Patricia[/full_width_color]