This is my second week participating in the Monochrome Weekly Theme.  I have been purposely shooting some photographs in black and white this past week.  Now don’t get me wrong, I love photographs with colors that just burst out at you.  But there are times when a subject just calls for the dramatic touch of black and white.  The contrast between light and dark.

Sawed Off

Sawed Off

Earlier this past week I was at our local park when I noticed that the maintenance workers had recently sawed off one of this tree’s limbs.  It provided a nice contrast.  And I love the shape of what was left behind.  You can read the age of the limb by the rings left behind.

Have you tried taking photographs in black and white?  And it doesn’t count when you take a color photograph and take away its color.  The true art of black and white photography is when you look for subjects that have those high and low contrast qualities.  So I challenge you to go out and photograph in black and white and share your photographs with the rest of us over at Monochrome Weekly.  I look forward to seeing your images.