Memorial Day holiday weekend is here.  Many will honor those fallen soldiers who dies for our country.  And others will embark on a home improvement project over this long hoiday weekend.

My hubby and I spontaneously decided to go with the latter.  You see, we have had this wooden crate taken up space in our garage for many weeks now.  Chris kept throwing out ideas of what we could do with it, you know, recycle it.  I rejected most of his ideas up until now.

Saturday morning as we stood in our cluttered garage and contemplated what to do this 3 day weekend, the lightbulb suddenly came on.  We would create a bar you can sit at on the patio while BBQing or entertaining outdoors.

So here is our wooden crate we plan to recycle into an outdoor bar.

Recycled Bar (to be)

Recycled Bar (to be)