When my son got home from school yesterday (Thursday) he was all excited because they (the kindie’s) got to eat lunch outside with all the big kids and play on the “big kid” playground, which he told me he is no longer afraid of. Where has the time gone!
Seems like only yesteday I was sweating through pre-term contractions while watching some lame action flick at the local drive-in theater with six weeks to the delivery date. Flash forward back to reality and my last baby is moving up the school ladder to first grade. They will celebrate this momentus occasion in an untraditional way. No Pomp & Circumstance for these kindie’s! It’s all about running wild and loud through the school sprinklers and then the teachers in their infinite wisdom will supply the children with various sweet treats and ice cream just before their departures from school on the bus.
I am so thankful to NOT be a school bus driver. I can only imagine my worst nightmare the chaos the screaming and bouncing in the seats that will being going on during the ride home. Rest assured my son will still be amp’d on sugar and the sheer joy of summer vacation beginning by the time he arrives home. As my friend Giggles likes to say, “Bring on the little blue pill!”
I want to wish everyone a scent-sational weekend!