Last week I finally got Pse7. Costco had an awesome deal that no one could beat. Try $49. Last night I finally had the patience to sit down and try an editing technique I have admired in other photographs. Selective coloring. It was rather easy and I learned it works best on solid objects.
Then Laura over at dolcepics invited her readers to play with a photo and edit away. I was in an editing mood so I decided to join in. Here is the original.
My played version.
This photograph was edited in Photobucket. At first I was going to turn the entire photo old but then the idea of fading the old into the present inspired me. Like your seeing the tractor as it once could have been and how it is today, all in the same photograph.
If you would like to join What’s Your Play? then click on over, grab the original and show us your editing skills.