Good morning to all of you!  As for me, I have yet to crawl into bed because I am working on some crafts to sell over in my Etsy shop called Crafted by Patty.  I am working on customizing an electric simmer pot with some homemade water slide decals for the Fourth of July.

Current Project

Current Project

Yep, before we know it the next cause for celebration will be upon us.  Seems like just yesterday we had a holiday.  Oh wait we did, it was Father’s Day.  I hope that everyone had a wonderful time celebrating with all the dads in our lives. It was rather quiet around here.  CJ woke me up because he had forgotten where he had placed the Father’s Day card he had made at school.  And of course mommy is the only one who knows where anything is in this household.  I have to say both guys looked really cute in their matching shirts.  CJ’s said “Little Tool Guy” with his name written on a little tool box and then daddy had the big boy version, “Tool Guy” with Chris on the tool box.  Never got a good picture of them wearing them.

Back to my current project.  I have a few more decals {the stars} to place on the simmer pot and then I can seal the decals on so they won’t fade, etc.  I love having simmer pots throughout the house emitting the wonder scents of wax melts (and no open flames).  It’s nice to always have a nice smelling house when unexpected guests arrive.  If you are looking for unique gifts, hop on over to my Etsy shop, this Star Spangled Simmer Pot will be for sale.  Or if your looking for another design, send me an email with you request and I will see what I can do.  Or if you would like to learn how to make your own water slide decals, I wrote an article over at eHow on just this topic.  You can put them on just about anything.  Well I’m off to my crafting corner.  Wishing you all a scent-sational Monday!