Week before last I accompanied my son and his classmates on their first school field trip to Riley’s Farm in Oak Glen, California.  I volunteered to photograph the outing and took over 200 photos.  I then took the best photos and created a digital scrapbook with Heritage Makers Studio online.  I sent it to the publisher last Wednesday and I received my book on Saturday.  I thought I would share my book with you today since there is plenty of ruby reds to be found on a working apple orchard.

Ruby Red Tuesday is a blog carnival hosted by Mary over at Work of the Poet. Blog carnivals are a wonderful way to meet fellow bloggers and learn something new. So if you are here on said blog carnival, Welcome! If this is your first time here, be sure to click on the RSS Feed button so you don’t miss any posts about This Digital Life.


I do hope you enjoy my book.  Before clicking over to see more Ruby Red Tuesday entries, leave me your thoughts on today’s post.  Wishing you a picture perfect day!

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