Desert Greetings fellow Sky Watchers.  I hope that your day is going well. Just as the sun was setting Wednesday evening, I ventured outside while dinner was simmering to capture a few photographs in RAW.  I have been learning to use Lightroom and I just love all that I can do in this program.  I’m in heaven.  🙂

Today I would like to experiment with a Slideshow Presentation I created.  I promise it will only take a minute and 10 seconds of your time, perhaps a little more if you leave me some comments or critique {all is welcome}. Enjoy! You might want to have your speakers turned on too! Thx

Ok, so what did you think?  Did you like the photographs? Was the slideshow too much?  Every once in a while we need to think outside of the box and that is what I did today.  After you leave me some comments, click on over to the home of Sky Watch Friday and enjoy a few more heavenly sights!