Motherhood, the most challenging and the most rewarding job for Mothers everywhere.  One definitely needs fortitude to meet the challenges of motherhood.  And life for that matter.

I came across this life quote Sunday morning as I was reconnecting with my favorite sites online, Home Educating Family Association.  And it seemed fitting not only about motherhood but other challenges we experience in life.  Like my computer’s motherboard short circuiting on me a week ago.  For 6 days I was forced to use my Smartphone (which was not easy on my eyes) to keep up with the bare basics online and researching new parts for my computer rebuild. And didn’t get a lick of work done either.   Challenging but doable.

Well Happy Monday everyone and may you have the fortitude to get through this week.

Oh I almost forgot.  If you’d like to snag this Facebook Timeline Cover photo, click on over to the Home Educating Family Association to download it for free.